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Traffic Tickets
Got a Ticket? Don't Pay It!™
If you get a Traffic Ticket in Miami, Broward, Palm Beach, Monroe, or anywhere in the state of Florida, Don't Pay It!
Call Alex Hanna Law NOW and let us fight for your rights!
Don't Pay That Ticket!™
Let our team of Experienced, Professional, and Trusted Attorneys Fight to defend YOUR Driving Privilege against Any Traffic Violation!
You may be able to avoid*:
Driver's School
Court Appearance
*Applicable in non-criminal cases.
There are two basic types of traffic tickets in Florida: Moving Violations and Non-moving Violations.
Moving violations occur when a driver does not follow traffic laws while the vehicle is in motion. Examples include speeding, running a red light, or texting while driving. Non-moving violations are infractions that occur when the vehicle is not moving. Examples include illegal parking, expired plates, or equipment-related violations such as a broken taillight.
Traffic Violations could attach points to your license. If you exceed the number of points allowed in a given period of time, you can lose your license or be classified as a habitual traffic offender (HTO), a criminal offense. You may also be assessed a fine, and ordered to complete traffic school.
We will Fight to defend YOUR Driving Privilege against Any Traffic Citation including but not limited to:
Accident / Injuries – Careless Driving
Driving too fast for conditions
Improper lane change
Careless driving
Reckless driving
Failure to stop at steady red signal
Failure to stop at a stop sign
Failure to obey traffic lights
Malfunctioning equipment
Traffic Accidents
Seat belt violations
CDL – Commercial Driver’s License
Open Container
Violation of Probation
Suspended License
Let our team of Experienced, Professional, and Trusted Attorneys Fight to defend YOUR Driving Privilege against Any Traffic Citation - And work towards obtaining the best outcome in your case!
Call us NOW for a FREE Consultation or Schedule an Appointment to speak with our Traffic Department.
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