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Criminal Defense
Charged with a State or Federal Crime? Let us Fight for your Rights!
Charged with a State or Federal Crime? This can be a very stressful time for you and your loved ones. Let our team of Experienced, Professional, and Trusted Attorneys Fight for your rights!
Our Experienced team of Attorneys have represented tens of thousands of clients facing DUI, Traffic, and/or Criminal offenses.
With over 100 Years of Combined Experience, we are committed and dedicated towards working for the best outcome in your case!
We will Fight to defend YOUR RIGHTS against Any Criminal Charge including but not limited to:
Assault and Battery
Aggravated Assault
Aggravated Battery
Aggravated Battery on a Pregnant Person
Domestic Battery by Strangulation
Domestic Violence Battery
Felony Battery
Burglary and Trespass
Burglary of a Dwelling
Burglary of a structure
Burglary of a Conveyance
Possession of Burglary Tools
Trespass on Property
Trespass on School Grounds
Trespass in a Structure
Trespass in a Conveyance
Drug Possession
Possession of Cannabis
Possession of Cocaine
Possession of Heroin
Possession of MDMA
Possession of Methamphetamine
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Possession of Hydrocodone
Possession of Oxycodone (OxyContin)
Possession of Xanax (Alprazolam)
Drug Trafficking
Trafficking in Cannabis
Trafficking in Cocaine
Trafficking in Heroin
Trafficking in Hydrocodone
Trafficking in Oxycodone (OxyContin)
Trafficking in Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth)
Trafficking in MDMA (Ecstasy, Molly)
First Degree Murder
Second Degree Murder
Third Degree Murder
Aggravated Manslaughter of a Child
Vehicular Homicide
Weapons Offenses
Carrying a Concealed Firearm
Carrying a Concealed Weapon
Improper Exhibition of a Weapon
Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon
Possession or Discharge of Destructive Device
Traffic Crimes
Driving on a Suspended Driver’s License
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
Fleeing and Attempting to Elude Law Enforcement
Leaving the Scene of an Accident
Reckless Driving
Unlawful Use of Driver’s License
Public Order Crimes
Criminal Mischief
Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly Intoxication
Loitering and Prowling
Possession of Alcohol by a Minor
Assignation to commit Prostitution
Deriving Support from Proceeds of Prostitution
Solicitation of Prostitution
Regulatory Crimes
Robbery (Strong Arm Robbery)
Robbery by Sudden Snatching
Robbery with a Deadly Weapon
Robbery with a Firearm
Home Invasion Robbery
Obstruction of Justice
Accessory After the Fact
Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer
Disobeying Lawful Order by Law Enforcement
Falsely Impersonating an Officer
Introduction of Contraband into a Correctional Facility
Providing False Information in Bail Application
Providing to Law Enforcement
Resisting Officer with Violence
Resisting Officer without Violence
Tampering with Evidence
Tampering with a Witness
Sex Crimes
Bribery Involving Public Official
Dealing in Stolen Property
Defrauding an Innkeeper
Fraudulent Use of Personal Identification
Grand Theft
Issuing Worthless Checks
Obtaining Property by Worthless Checks
Petit Theft
Scheme to Defraud
Theft of Lost or Abandoned Property
Personal Liberty Crimes
False Imprisonment
Human Trafficking
Sexual Cyber harassment (Revenge Porn)
Aggravated Stalking
 Let our team of Experienced, Professional, and Trusted Attorneys Fight for your rights!Â
Call us NOW for a FREE Consultation or Schedule an Appointment to speak with our Criminal Defense Department.
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